

This is Richard B.

       and SHORT STORIES
             by RICHARD B.®


I stand with Ukraine
Stop this senseless war.

      I want to thank our front line and essential workers for going to work, day in, and day out, knowing the risk they are taking against this invisible enemy we all face. THANK YOU!
And a special thank you to my niece Judy, a nurse.

     Sorcerers Reborn Earth has been published. Check out my new authors website here, SORCERERS REBORN EARTH  Sorcerers Reborn Earth, Book One of the Sorcerers Reborn trilogy can be found online through the link below. A list of online bookstores who carry the eBook, Paperback, and Hard cover editions can be found HERE. If you are interested in purchasing a signed copy of Sorcerers Reborn: Earth,—book one of three,— I will be at the City Centre Mall, 5201 50 St, Leduc, AB, every Thursday. I will provide updates on my social media pages, so follow me if you would like to know the latest news. Links to those sites are at the bottom of this page. 

     I know that most of the people that may visit my site are computer literate,however, it has been my experience that not everyone has that ability. I want to give a brife explanation on how to. To use the Menu, hold your mouse over a menu item like (Poems, Stories yada yada) and it will reveal its contents. Chose the Poem or Story you wish to read.

      I have recently taken my Pic's pages, and turned them into slide shows, and, I send you to a read me page for instruction, my apolagies to those of you who do not need that part, check them out. Yeah that's me in the picture.  Trust me I'm not a grumpy old man. I am just old.  All the pictures on this site were taken by me, including most of the pictures of myself.

     Do you belive in MAGIC, I do. You can see magic all around us, like a spectacular sun rise or sun set, the Arora Borealis, and reading a good book. Every time I read a book, I am taken on a new journey, to new and exciting worlds, places, and things with new and notable character's. David Eddings, Terry Brooks, Robert Jordan, and Stephen Donaldson, just to name a few authers I have read and reread in the past.

     I would like to share some of my poems and short stories with you, my friends. I have been writing my poetry and short stories for a number of years, and I hope you find MAGIC in some of my favorites. If you would like to know more about me, please check the link   "About", right here, or at the top of this page. If you enjoy your visit tell a friend. If you don't tell me. And if your undecided well them's the breaks. Enjoy your visit, and come back now and then, to see if there is anything new.

     P.S. I would like to give thanks to W3Schools for the tutorials they have provided that have made me better at website design.

     I would also like to thank 4 Good Hosting for hosting my Wesite.

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Richard B.

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Richard B.

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